
Applications will only be considered on the application form. Please complete the form clearly in ink and answer all the questions as fully as possible.

The group or person to benefit from the grant must operate within the Trust’s area or live within the Trust’s area (based on the former Hitchin Urban and Rural District Councils).  In the case of bursaries and educational grants the applicant must have normally lived within the area for at least 12 months prior to undertaking the activity for which the grant is made.  Please contact the office to confirm if your address is covered.  The applicant must be under the age of 26 at the time the application is made.

Application forms must be signed by the relevant people from an organisation and for an individual application signed by the head of school/club for which the grant is being applied for. Supporting documentation from Social Worker, Doctor, Teacher etc is always welcome and will be taken into consideration.

Organisational Grant Applications must be accompanied by a copy of the previous year’s annual financial statement of accounts. If yours is a new organisation, details of your current financial status are required.

Awards are limited and are intended to assist Applicants who have either exceptional financial difficulties, or other unusual or difficult circumstances.

Not Normally Funded
We do not normally make grants to the following:-
• Overseas travel
• Secondary school trips for schools eligible for help from Hitchin Educational Foundation
• School uniform
• Setting up of businesses
• Publicly Funded bodies
• Alterations/improvements to premises
• Post Graduate courses
• Salaries

Grant applications are considered on the last Wednesday of each month with the exception of December. All applications should be received by the middle of the month otherwise they will be held over until the following month.

If an applicant is known to a Trustee or the Trustee is involved in an organisation, the Trustee will declare an interest, withdraw from the discussion and will not be entitled to vote.

Applicants that are rejected are informed in writing and no reason is given. Trustees will not enter into any correspondence relating to the decision.
This does not preclude them from applying again in the future.

Other than in exceptional circumstances, applications for Grant Aid may not be made more than once in any 12 month period.

Further Guidance Notes are available on the front page of the application form. Please read these carefully before making an application.